Manuel Ramírez and his Torres

Manuel Ramírez and his Torres

My great-granduncle, Manuel Ramírez de Galarreta, must have been a very interesting character and also very daring, because of the things that our...

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Goodbye Manolo Sanlúcar

Goodbye Manolo Sanlúcar

I was 11 or 12 years old the first time I heard Manolo Sanlúcar play, and although I was still a little girl, I had already learned to appreciate...

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Guitar maker’s soul

Guitar maker’s soul

My great-great-grandfather Domingo Ramírez de Galarreta y Martínez de Abad was a multifaceted man: he was a landowner, horse breeder, builder,...

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What is a 1A guitar?

What is a 1A guitar?

There is a bit of confusion among our guitarists when they talk about the 1A guitar. 1A is what we put on the label, where the class rating is...

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New book Centenary Business

New book Centenary Business

On December 10 at The Westin Palace in Madrid was held an event for the presentation of the new book on the Centennial Shops of the capital and the...

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