The 5-pointed star

Jan 4, 2023

The 5-pointed star

It was 2011 when I had one of those existential crises that we all go through at some point in our lives.

Searching for my passion

Since I was a child I learned to love guitars, because I perceived day by day the love that my father felt for them. And although at the time I chose to take the control of the business and put my life into it, with time I had my moment to rethink everything, and I wondered if this was really my path or if I had chosen it because of the passion that my father transmitted.

It is curious how life uses mysterious paths to answer such transcendental questions, and that is how it happened in this case.

Amalia’s signature

It was precisely in those days that a very special e-mail arrived at my workshop from a gentleman who, at first, asked for information about our guitars, but then continued with a note addressed specifically to me. It read as follows:

“I also want to send a greeting to miss Amalia, I have seen her videos and I was very struck by her signature; the A of Amalia is a five-pointed star, the flaming star or geometric pentagram, represented in the Jewish kabbalah as a magical figure, a portal between heaven and earth, representing man within the universe (Leonardo Da Vinci drew it very well).

In other words, the transcendence or what Mrs. Amalia wants is to dedicate herself to the creation, beyond a guitar, of a very special instrument, which connects the essence, the divine spark of the artist with the universe, that is, with God. That is the true inspiration, the fervour, zeal and constancy that leads us to do extraordinary things. I congratulate her!”.

In short, little can be added to such a beautiful message, but what is certain is that I understood the answer, engraved in my signature, that life brought me through this gentleman and I continued, happy, along this path that I chose obeying my heart.

Amalia Ramírez.

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