Música Maestros by José Luis Montón

Mar 7, 2024

Música Maestros por Jose Luis Montón

Training Platform by José Luis Montón

Música Maestros banner Our friend José Luis Montón has created this interesting training platform where you can learn from great masters, not only the technique, but a series of fundamental tips to go far on your way to creation. It is a specialization and is focused for musicians with a medium-high or high level of training, although they do not rule out in the future to offer training for those who want to enter and understand the world of flamenco from the game, humor and love for this art.


I leave you with the words of the master:


Hello, my name is José Luis Montón and I am a flamenco guitarist. I like a job well done, regardless of the musical genre, as long as it reaches its goal: to transmit. Flamenco is the musical language I have chosen to communicate.

I have been fortunate to belong to a revolutionary generation that has grown up under the influence of Paco de Lucía, Camarón, Lole y Manuel, Enrique Morente… It is an endless list of groundbreaking artists that emerged at that time and changed the musical landscape of flamenco, all this without the technological advances that have taken place in many areas, but especially in the dissemination, that exist now.


The information and opportunities we have access to today on how to study flamenco, how to have the best technique, how to make the most interesting chords, etc. is overwhelming. However, what no one really thinks about is how to make your way of creating special and unique. These courses are intended to give you the resources to discover that it is you and your way of communicating that makes you stand out. We will help you find what you already have inside.

Growing in music is a path that those of my generation discovered without as many resources as we have now, but the meetings we had among us, many at those wonderful parties that I enjoyed at the legendary Candela in Madrid, made us share, discover and grow together. That was the breeding ground that led to the emergence of so many important personalities for flamenco.

All these experiences and all this knowledge is what made us decide to create “Música de Maestros”. The experience of learning with flamenco world referents is a unique and enriching opportunity that goes beyond the information about technical and musical resources, articulation, rhythms, palos, … Each one of us shares through our courses that way of life and feeling that is flamenco. We would all have liked to have a course where Paco de Lucía, Morente, Camarón, etc. told us what they listened to, how they felt the rhythm, what frightened them the most and how they overcame it.


From this philosophy we have created this platform where every day artists who are already legends join us with their generosity and greatness. With their help you will find your path and your essence.


The content that you will find in our platform is of great value, even to me it is helping me to grow as an artist and rethink many things that help me to improve as a creator and person.

From this philosophy of accompaniment and help we present these courses as an approach to the truth that everyone keeps inside and that is so important for creation.

Discover your Creative Potential with Music Maestros!

As a token of gratitude for joining this unique experience, Guitarras Ramírez offers you a fabulous discount on the purchase of any course. Use the code GRMREZ when making your purchase and start your journey towards excellence in flamenco.

Join the Música de Maestros community and unleash your creativity in the world of flamenco!

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