Guitarras Ramírez on the RTVE programme “Ahora o nunca”

Jan 25, 2024

Guitarras Ramírez on RTVE

The programme “Ahora o nunca”, seen on RTVE, is dedicated to highlighting the Spanish country’s cultural, gastronomic, artistic and scenic wealth. Thus, in its 221st episode, they wanted to dedicate a space to the most deeply-rooted instrument in Spain, the guitar.

In this way, they visited our workshop to delve into the guitar’s construction.

One of the most famous guitar workshops in the world

This is how Juan Luis Cano from Gomaespuma defines us to introduce us to the viewers and highlights the role of Amalia Ramírez as a woman guitar maker.

During the programme, we tell how Guitarras Ramírez was founded in 1882, and we also explain the difference between the classical guitar and the flamenco guitar, showing a preference for cypress and spruce wood for the flamenco guitar and cedar and rosewood for the classical guitar.

We also reflect on the great artists who have played a Ramírez guitar, such as Manolo Sanlúcar, Serranito, Paco de Lucía, or Sabicas, among others, and some of the peculiarities that certain clients have requested.

We leave you here the link to the programme so you can watch it in its entirety.

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