Ramírez Guitars in the forum of craftsmanship and musical instruments at Música no Claustro in Tui (Galicia)

Mar 30, 2023

Ramírez Guitars in the forum of craftsmanship and musical instruments in Tui (Galicia)

Cristina Ramírez, 5th generation of our family of guitar makers, took part in a round table held in Tui (Galicia), on the occasion of the forum of craftsmanship and musical instruments.

During her participation, she shared space with Gaitas Seivane, being able to show the trajectory of two family workshops that safeguard a valuable intangible heritage.

Ramírez Guitars, a unique family in the construction of guitars

In this Forum, Cristina explains how our workshop has been adapting over the years, always giving value to craftsmanship and claiming sustainability, making proper use of wood.

She also explains how, despite specialising in the construction of Spanish, flamenco and classical guitars, we also carry out other types of projects that fall outside this category, due to our motivation for innovation.

Finally, Cristina highlights the importance of having a presence on the Internet and having quality online platforms, being able to show everything we do and give visibility to our creations.

We leave you the link to the Youtube video where you can watch this round table.

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