We attended the Madrid Flamenco Festival 2023

May 10, 2023

Madrid Flamenco Festival 2023

On 26 April we attend the presentation of the Madrid Flamenco Festival 2023. In this edition, the 1st Flamenco Guitar Cycle has been created, named after one of our most beloved guitarists: Víctor Monge Serranito.

We tell you about all the activities that will take place at the festival and the great artists that are going to participate!

Flamenco Festival Madrid 2023


From the 14th to the 27th of May 2023 the 7th edition of the Madrid Flamenco Festival is goingo to be, with the aim of giving value and diffusion to this genuine art.

Throughout each day, it will be possible to enjoy sessions of singing, dancing, guitar playing and documentary films, making up a programme dedicated to flamenco in all its aspects.

Some of the names that will starre in this event were Antonio Canales, Jesús Carmona, Carmen Talegona, Jose Luis Montón, Yerai Cortés, Antonio Sánchez and Joni Jiménez, among others.

Of course, special mention must also be of the conference given by Víctor Monge Serranito and the flamencologist and producer José Manuel Gamboa, where they will show their artistic career and their love for the guitar.



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