Presentation of the album Flamenco Extea 2 in RTVE

Aug 17, 2023

Presentation of the album Flamenco Extea 2 in RTVE

The musicians José Luis Montón and Gorka Hermosa have joined forces to create the magnificent album “Flamenco Etxea 2”, giving rise to a fusion of world music where they highlight the capacity of flamenco and Basque music, combining them with other musical styles.

Both artists took part in the programme “Conciertos de Radio 3” to present their project and perform some of their melodies.

Conciertos de Radio 3

Last April we were able to enjoy the mastery of José Luis Montón and Gorka Hermosa in “Los Conciertos de Radio 3”, who joined other great figures of Basque music with an important international projection.

During this sound space we could listen to Gorka Hermosa with his Basque accordion, while José Luis Montón used our Flamenco Negra guitar, characteristic for its wide sonority and the depth of its sound.

In this way, throughout the album a meeting point is created between Basque and flamenco music, relating naturally and giving rise to magnificent compositions.

You can listen to the programme in its entirety by clicking on this link.

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