What does fingerboard carving consist of?

Mar 1, 2023

What does fingerboard carving consist of?

Fretboard carving is a fundamental step in the construction of guitars. It determines whether the instrument is of good quality or not.

Would you like to know what a fretboard carving consists of? Then, read our article, we will show you everything you need to know below.

What is the fingerboard?

The fingerboard is a piece on which the strings are pressed to play the instrument. Normally, it is usually made of ebony in handmade guitars, but there are also guitars that have other types of fretboards glued to them, such as rosewood or other woods.

This piece of wood is where the frets will be placed. So, the fretwork is the shape given to this wood so that, when it is played, there are no lisps and the heights are correct for the design of the guitar.

How is the fretboard carved depending on the type of guitar?

When it comes to flamenco guitars, the shape is usually very straight, because the strings are meant to be glued to the fretboard.

In the case of classical guitars, a slight hole is made, not too much, and then the strings are brushed more in the area of the basses. This is due to the fact that, as the bass strings are thicker and the trebles are thicker than the trebles, they need a greater height to avoid these lisps.

Here is a video where José Enrique talks about fretboard planing:

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