Talking about the history of the guitar on the Hoy Toca Podcast

Oct 19, 2022

Hoy Toca Podcast and Masters of Time project

Today we are going to dedicate our blog articles to telling you a bit about the projects we have been involved in lately because it is also part of our daily life and we like to tell you what we do so that you can be part of it 🙂

We participate in the Hoy Toca Podcast

First, we were on the Podcast of the radio station Clásica FM where, together with Carlos Ibarren, we talked about the history of the guitar in Spain.

In the new chapter of Hoy Toca entitled “Historia de la guitarra” Amalia and Cristina Ramírez participated to contribute our knowledge in this aspect, as well as to talk about how the history of Guitarras Ramírez has developed over time and the influence in the world of the Spanish guitar.

You can listen to the podcast below:

Do you want to know what is the other project in which we have participated? Don’t miss this news 😉

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