
New machine head Ramírez

New machine head Ramírez

At Ramirez Guitars, we are proud to present our new and exclusive Ramirez machine head. Designed and manufactured in Madrid, Spain, these machine head are the result of a relentless pursuit of perfection to offer musicians an unparalleled fit and impeccable sound....

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Choose a guitar

Choose a guitar

Nowadays, there is a very good level of handmade guitars. People with more tradition or new people have achieved such a good quality that the competition becomes very interesting and entertaining. I am going to talk about how I, as a guitar maker, would choose a...

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A history of varnishes: Chapter 1 – Urea-Formol

A history of varnishes: Chapter 1 – Urea-Formol

Urea-formaldehyde varnish in history Urea-formaldehyde varnish, also known as urea-formaldehyde varnish, was a type of varnish widely used in the past, especially in the first half of the 20th century. It was mainly used in the furniture and woodworking industry to...

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The officers of José Ramirez III

The officers of José Ramirez III

The story of Ramírez Guitars cannot be told without talking about the journeymen who have passed through its workshops over the years. From the earliest days of the company, these talented craftsmen selected and trained by the Ramírez family have been the backbone of...

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What does a left-handed guitar look like?

What does a left-handed guitar look like?

When it comes to left-handed guitars, many people think that changing the string order on a standard guitar is enough to make it a ‘left-handed guitar’. But the reality is much more complex. In order for a guitar to function properly in the hands of a left-handed...

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Where to find guitar lessons

Where to find guitar lessons

Do you want to learn to play the guitar, but don't know where to start? At Guitarras Ramirez we get a lot of questions about where to learn to play or how to improve your technique. That's why we wanted to create this blog post to help you find the perfect guitar...

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Model Marcel Dadí

Model Marcel Dadí

First Ramírez Spanish guitar with cutaway It was in the mid 80's when my brother, José Ramírez IV, set out to build the first Spanish guitar with cutaway for a different style of music than what we usually built, that is, classical or flamenco music. He was thinking...

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Which strings do we recommend for our guitars?

Which strings do we recommend for our guitars?

One of the most frequently asked questions by guitarists is what kind of strings we recommend for our guitars. So, today we are going to answer this important question. Ramírez Guitar Strings The first thing to keep in mind is that strings are a very important element...

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José Ramírez III and the varnish

José Ramírez III and the varnish

One of the areas in which José Ramírez III did a lot of research was that of varnishes. So, today we show you the varieties he studied for the construction of his guitars. The use of varnishes by José Ramírez III Years ago, shellac was used, but José Ramírez III was...

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5E, 5CWE and SP

5E, 5CWE and SP

At Guitarras Ramírez, we are always carrying out research and innovations to create guitars that adapt to the needs and requirements of guitarists. This is how the first Guitarras Ramírez handcrafted studio guitars were born. Read our article to learn about the...

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Half block and half double side

Half block and half double side

Today we show you the alternatives that we had to use in the construction of guitars due to the shortage of cypress that occurred in the 70s and 80s. In addition, we explain the transition from the split butt to the full butt and we highlight the importance of the...

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The memory of guitars

The memory of guitars

I often hear comments saying that the guitars from the 60's and 70's are better than today's. The answer is simple and logical, and it is also not without poetic components that must be valued. Fusion of guitarist, guitar maker and woodwind players If we refer to...

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The work of the master

The work of the master

Since the word spread regarding Santos Hernández’s claim that he had been the creator of the Manuel Ramírez guitar that Manuel gave to Andrés Segovia (which is currently on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Fine Art in New York) there has been a work of harassment...

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How to value a second-hand guitar

How to value a second-hand guitar

As I have already written in another short article on the memory of guitars, I will start by insisting that it is not true that the guitars of the 60s and 70s are better than later ones. It is a necessary preamble when talking about second-hand guitars. Change of...

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José Ramírez Tomás, one more fraud

José Ramírez Tomás, one more fraud

It would be around the middle of the 70s when guitars began to appear on the market under the name of José Ramirez Tomás. It was a fraud that brought many complications to my father, José Ramírez III, until they were finally able to locate this José Ramírez Tomás who...

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Forbes Henderson and The Nose

Forbes Henderson and The Nose

At the beginning of April 2023, the musician Forbes Henderson came to our store with the intention of greeting me and inviting me to the opera The Nose, by Dimitri Shostakovich, at the Teatro Real, where he was part of the orchestra playing the domra and, as I was not...

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Aguado 170 years later and the Ramírez Collection

Aguado 170 years later and the Ramírez Collection

It is no coincidence that the guitar found its place in the circles dedicated to salon music, cafés, small theatres and serenades in the palaces of noble amateurs, a phenomenon which, following the line marked by the French Revolution, took place in Vienna and Paris...

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The rose mosaic

The rose mosaic

Between the 1950s and 1960s, José Ramírez III, filled several notebooks of graph paper with various designs for the mosaics of his guitars. Some of them became famous and were copied by guitar makers, but not by artisan guitar makers, as the mosaics are, like the...

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The 5-pointed star

The 5-pointed star

It was 2011 when I had one of those existential crises that we all go through at some point in our lives. Searching for my passion Since I was a child I learned to love guitars, because I perceived day by day the love that my father felt for them. And although at the...

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Influence of varnishes on guitar sound

Influence of varnishes on guitar sound

The period in which my father, José Ramírez III, dedicated the most time to experimentation was between the 50s and the 70s. And, of course, the period to investigate with the varnishes arrived. At that time, the finish that was used on guitars, traditionally, was...

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The origin of the bandurria Calvete model

The origin of the bandurria Calvete model

We are extremely lucky to have the memory —when it fails us or we fail to have it because we did not live at that time— of our historic store manager Miguel Martínez, a worker who retired in 2000 and was the second generation in our company, since his father, Jesús...

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