Madrilenian by birth, she began her apprenticeship in her guitar workshop in 1976 under the direction of her father. She had to interrupt her instruction during the period in which she was training in other disciplines, which later would help her carry out her work in the company.
She returned in 1988 to assist her brother in restructuring and running the business. The functions were shared between the two; José Enrique dedicating himself mainly to workshop construction and Amalia to the commercial aspect, although she also returned to build guitars after the workshop was established at calleGeneral Margallo number 10.
This change was made at the beginning of 1993, returning to the original scheme of a reduced workshop and limited production.
Currently, all our handmade guitars are made exclusively to order, to be able to individually meet the needs of each guitarist. On the other hand, the store also works as one more client to be able to offer the guitarists the possibility of trying different models.
In the summer of 1995, the store on Calle Concepción Jerónima 2 was moved to the new establishment, not far from the previous one, on Calle de la Paz number 8.
After the death of his brother José Enrique in June of the year In 2000, Amalia Ramírez took over the management of the business, dividing her work between the workshop and the store. Likewise, she is in charge of the revision of the guitars built in the workshop during and at the end of the production process, as well as the design of the new Studio and Professional models.
Among her experiments stands out her work with new materials to increase the projection, volume and openness of the sound with the line that she has called “Auditorium Model“. She has also worked with the golden proportions, as has her father, as evidenced by one of the guitars that we keep in our collection.

It can be said that during his period the most beautiful and original guitar designs have been made, a characteristic that has helped to further differentiate the Ramírez brand.
Such spectacular designs as the handcrafted “Aniversario” guitar or the commemorative studio models: “125 years”, “130 years” and “Guitarra del Tiempo“.
She also created the SP guitar, now SPR, an intermediate model between studio guitars and handmade guitars. For this model, half of the process is carried out in Spanish factories and the other half in the workshop, ending with the setup and supervision in our workshop.
This point is essential, since Guitarras Ramírez, from its origins, does not limit itself to receiving its design from the factory to sell it directly, but it takes approximately half an hour on each guitar to adjust and review it and thus offers the quality expected from the brand.
The “Guitarra Conservatorio” has been another of Amalia’s contributions to provide a first step towards higher quality professional guitars. She designed this “simple” and economically more accessible construction model. Currently, it has been replaced by the “Modelo Sencillo de concierto” in which construction improvements have been applied.
She has been the master of her nephews, Cristina and José Enrique Ramírez, both sons of José IV, who, proud of their tradition, have taken the reins of this centennial business.
Currently, they are the ones in charge of the family business as the fifth generation of guitar makers, always under the supervision of Amalia Ramírez, who still continues to design each of the models created in the workshop with the help of the new generation.
Amalia Ramírez was one of the first women to enter the world of the guitar construction, revolutionizing the way of conceiving the instrument and facilitating her niece Cristina, as well as other women guitar makers, the path in a profession that still continues to be difficult for them.
This would not have been possible without the support of the men of this house, who always trusted in her work, initiative and creativity.