Farewell tour of Víctor Monge “Serranito”

Jun 16, 2021


Photo Paco Manzano


Last Thursday June 10, 2011 took place the presentation of the farewell tour “Como un sueño” of the master Víctor Monge Serranito in the Corral de la Morería. The event was organized by its representative Maria Larroca de Vive Pasión Flamenca and the interview was conducted by José Manuel Gamboa, a great connoisseur of the master’s life, who recently published a book about his artistic life titled “Victor Monge Serranito. The guitarist of guitarists”. The event was attended by Amalia Ramirez (IV generation of Ramirez) on behalf of our house and great friend of Victor. It is a real honour for us that our guitars have been chosen by this great musician who last year received the Gold Medal for Merit in Fine Arts. This year he received the Cátedra de Guitarra Flamenca by the Ateneo de Triana. The Corral de la Morería was the venue for this event not by chance, but because it was a very important place for the maestro’s career and because of the affection that the owner and great artist Blanca del Rey professes for the musician. She could not attend the event due to the epidemiological situation, but her son Juan Manuel del Rey, who also participated in the press conference together with the aforementioned José Manuel Gamboa and María Larroca.

The next July 4 will be the first of the concerts that will take place at Encuentro Internacional de Guitarra Paco de Lucía de Algeciras, accompanied by the guitarists Paco Vidal and Javier Conde. Another important event will take place at the Festival de Guitarra de Córdoba where the next days 13 and 14 July two events will be held with Serranito: presentation of a book dedicated to the maestro’s career and a concert of Víctor Monge, also the trio, the next day.




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