Tribute to the centenary shops of the Community of Madrid

Sep 15, 2024

On 14 June 2024, at the headquarters of the Community of Madrid, a very special event was held, led by the president Isabel Díaz Ayuso. During this event, tribute was paid to the Traditional and Centenary Shops of Madrid, and Guitarras Ramírez had the honour of being recognised for its trajectory, This award is a recognition of our work over generations, in a city that has seen us grow and adapt to each era. We share this space with other historic businesses in the city, such as Almacenes Pontejos, Capas Seseña, Casa Silverío and Lucio, among others, who, like us, have witnessed and participated in the evolution of Madrid.

The legacy of traditional shops

The history we carry on our shoulders is not easy to preserve. Each of these traditional businesses has a heritage that sets them apart and makes Madrid a unique city. We are part of the living history of the Villa y Corte, and our façades and shop windows have seen the passing of time, adapting to change without losing their essence. It is a constant challenge, but one that we carry with pride. In this context, we recall the importance of the association that was once led by Ángel Manuel García de la Antigua Relojería. This union of century-old businesses could be strengthened by including other more recent traditional businesses, such as our friends at Corral de la Morería. Together, we could further highlight the relevance and value we bring to the city.

The importance of small businesses

Caring for and protecting small businesses is essential. Behind every counter, kitchen or workbench, there are passionate people working to keep a legacy alive. These businesses are not only committed to quality, but also to uniqueness and to providing personalised and exquisite attention to each customer, who returns year after year or leaves with an unforgettable experience. Madrid would not be the same without us. Traditional and centenary shops are an indispensable part of its identity, and we will continue to work to keep it that way, keeping our history alive and adapting, as always, to the times we live in.

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