“La Argentina” in Paris and the Guitar of José Luis Montón

Aug 7, 2024

La Argentina in Paris and the Guitar of Jose Luis Monton Guitarras Ramírez

We went to the Fundación Juan March invited by our friend José Luis Montón, to enjoy a marvellous show: “La Argentina” in Paris, ballets by Óscar Esplá and Ernesto Halffter”, included in the cycle Teatro Musical de Cámara directed by the brilliant Antonio Najarro.

The Story of “La Argentina” in Paris

In 1928, Antonia Mercé, La Argentina, marked a milestone in the history of dance in Paris. Under her impetus, the Ballets Espagnols brought together a constellation of the best Spanish creators in the fields of music, dance, costume and set design. On 18 June of that year, two ballets were premiered in one of their legendary shows, which have now been revived: Sonatina, by Ernesto Halffter, and El contrabandista, by Óscar Esplá, a work incomprehensibly unpublished until today. Based on the sketches of the costumes and backdrops, Antonio Najarro directs this revival that brings up to date the best of Spanish ballet during the Silver Age, which left such a mark on the European cultural scene. You can watch the performance at the following link: “La Argentina” in Paris, ballets by Óscar Esplá and Ernesto Halffter | Fundación Juan March.

You can also learn more about this important work for dance in the following videos:

The music of José Luis Montón

During the play, we were able to enjoy the music of great performers, including our friend, the flamenco guitarist José Luis Montón, with his guitar model Flamenca Negra. It was an exhibition of taste and creativity on stage. Rarely have we enjoyed so much a show in which dance, music, scenery and costumes combined to offer a real festival of good taste and know-how.

A look at “La Romería de los Cornudos”.

In addition, we leave you the link to another of the works performed in the cycle, around the figure of the Argentinita, in which José Luis Montón also participated: La romería de los cornudos. Ballet in one act: Fundación Juan March. In the early 1930s, a constellation of artists formed by García Lorca, Rivas Cherif, Gustavo Pittaluga, la Argentinita and Alberto Sánchez created a work destined to revolutionise Spanish dance: La romería de los cornudos. With a plot of popular origin and orgiastic overtones, this ballet mixes traditional and avant-garde elements. In this production, the first incursion of the Teatro Musical de Cámara format into the world of ballet, Alberto’s original set design, preserved in the MNCARS (Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía), is reproduced to scale. “La Argentina” in Paris and “La romería de los cornudos” are exceptional examples of how art can transcend time and space, keeping alive the flame of creativity and innovation. Thanks to the Fundación Juan March and the talent of artists like José Luis Montón, we have the opportunity to relive and appreciate these masterpieces. Be sure to explore these links and immerse yourself in the magic of Spanish dance and music.

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